Who Is Steve?
Born and raised in Connecticut,
Steven Markesich earned his BA from Bates College and his MA from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in the 1980's, and embarked on a successful career in the healthcare revenue cycle industry that he continues to this day. During a 2013 family vacation, he was invited at the eleventh hour to accompany his wife of thirty years to a writing workshop she had registered for. With trepidation, Steve decided to accept, and his long-dormant passion for writing was rekindled. Multiple Sclerosis (MS) invaded his world in 2008, and Steve has tapped into his experience living with the disease and his professional expertise to create his inaugural novel, A Stone Heart. He continues to live in Central Connecticut and manages a blog called The MSich Chronicles, as he begins the transition from part-time to full-time writer and novelist.
To learn more about Steve's MS Journey, click the MSich Chonicles link

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